Biografi: Handi Alfian

my name is Handi Alfian , i'am 16 years old. i am study in SMAN 8 malang.i was born in surabaya 1-4-1995 . i really like to observe music, i think music make many people enjoy. music can be a part of life. inspire someone to create a stunning masterpiece.I wish I could be a great drummer

in this mooment i will give you spme information about top ten drumer in the world  

1 Shannon Leto
Full of energy, plays like a beast.
So pure, so natural, love it
Shannon plays with a full power . he take passion, but also love, fun and every particle of his body. Shannon is all one with the drums, the rhythm,the rhytm making you lose track of time. Hearing him play is like hearing the heart beat of life... so, we can say that is the best drummer of all time!
Love to watch him play! He's just a perfect drummer!
2Gustav Schafer
Gustav is the best drummers I ever heard, he have an energy full of emotion!
Gusty's THE best! He's very talented on the drums, has years of experience and a true passion for music! He's had A LOT of practice- HIS MUSCLES TELL THE TALE and so does the band's increasing popularity. TOKIO HOTEL FOR EVER!

3Jimmy The Rev Sullivan

I like he skill and I love avenged sevenfold
Nobody like the rev because he is the best drum in the world.
 I feel that is only because of the Rev's untimely death that his talent and genius ever we had ,we must appreciated, . The Rev is, indeed one of the best, if not THE best drummer I have ever heard and listening  his rhythms, and the solos of his playing is music in itself even without the rest of the band's accompanyment.

4Tré Cool
The best drummer in the world, and the best band They are fantastic! I love their music, because it carry consignment. Greetings from Poland!
You do not get anywhere as much credit as you deserve.
Just listen to some of the rolls and beats in dookie, they are crazy!

Keep the beet going' Tre!
You never go through one video from a concert without him goofing off. And with some of the drumming this guy has to do, why isn't he #1.

5Neil Peart
Neil peart is most definitely the worlds beat drummer. With his amazing drum solos that can last up to 15 minutes he definitely deserves at least first place
6Yoshiki Hayashi
Watch the drum solo from "X Japan: The Last Live. " We are so ingnorant  Just because he's not white doesn't mean he's not good... Hands down Yoshiki wins this. Neil Peart, John Bonham, Keith Moon... great players... but Yoshiki: GOD
Yoshiki have some different style than most other drummer, he's more conI challenge all of the other drummers to play Art of Life. 
7Travis Barker
Travis Barker I think, is definitely one of the best drummers of all time. He's got some major talent. I'm amazed every time I see him start playing the drums. He should at least be in the top five.
Travis your drumming is awesome its like if you play whole night ill be there to listen it and loved the way you played hi hat in your song first date by blink 182
Every time I think a song couldn't be any better Travis Barker changes my mind with his unique timing. He got mad skills!

8Joey Jordison
Without question the most amazing drummer on the planet today. You know it from the first moment you watch him. There are so many other great drummers on this list, but it isn't even a contest anymore when Joey Jordison walks in.
Dude it is not just about being fast but yeah he is really fast and he keeps his beat to that is what makes him awesome and the best drummer in the world no other drummer can compare.

9John Bonham
 Led Zeppelin, the greatest rock band . Yes that's right "greatest rock band of all time"
. Led Zepprlin should be Bonham and Neil Peart battling for first and Keith Moon being satisfied with third and by "satisfied" I mean smashing his drums in disappointment.

No one can touch Bonzo though.

10Lars Ulrich
Well, in my opinion, Lars Ulrich is by far the best. He maybe not the fastest drummer, but he can play amazing drum beats without even trying. He is actually one of the biggest inspirations in the world. He inspired Joey Jordison, John Dolmayan, Jimmy The Rev Sullivan, Tre Cool, Alex Lopez, myself, and many others


yeeee... halo halo lagiii temaan :)
udah pada nungguin videonya Mike Tompkins yaa?? hahaha.. sabar sabar :)

ini lhoo.. tadi juga nemu lagunya katty perry yang firework di nyanyikan lagi sama si Mike ini. hehe..
nanti kita bakalan bandingin yaaa bagus mana ?? hehehe

lets chek out teman :)

bagus mana hayooo?? silahkan pilih sesuai selera yaa..

tunggu kita lagi sebentar lagii :)

Mike Tompkins - teenage dream

noke guys, good afternoon.
now, we just want to tell you about some video about mike tompkins
nah, that's teenage dream video ..

after you see the video. what do you think ceman??? baguuus bangeet kan ??? hehe ..

tunggu videooo selanjutnya yaa..

Mike Tompkins

Halooo ceman :)
luama yaa kita ndak ngupdate.. hihi ..
udah pada menanti kita yaa padalan? *gr*

oke oke.. tunggu bentar , jadi lupa mau mbahas apa ya tadi??
oh iyaa.. itu si Mike Tompkins!!
udah pada kenal belum sama penyanyi cover yang ini??

jadi yaa begini.. Mike Tompkins dibesarkan di Ilderton kota kecil di luar London selama 23 tahun silam. di usia yang masih 8 tahun, si guanteng ini mulai belajar beatboxing *padalan kita mulai belajar ngomong 'r'* . selama SMP dia sering tampil di berbagai acara produksi teater musikal profesional. Mike lulus dengan penghargaan musik vokal dari sekolahnya dan melanjutkan pendidikan pasca-sekolah menengah di Ontario Institute of Audio Recording Technology (OIART). Pada tahun 2008 Mike lulus dari OIART dengan sebuah diploma untuk produksi musik, menerima tanda kehormatan dan dua penghargaan. Nah loooh.. bikin envy banget.. ><

Selama 10 tahun terakhir, Mike telah merencanakan dan menjadwal penggarapan produksi musik, termasuk rekayasa dan pencampuran beberapa album (seperti Shad K's "The Old Prince" pada nominasi Juno Award). Mike sebelumnya tidak pernah berpikir untuk mengeluarkan musiknya sendiri. Namun pada awal tahun 2010, dia memiliki dorongan dan tekad untuk melakukan sesuatu yang 'berbeda', membawanya ke kegiatannya yang terbaru, menciptakan musik Capella yang unik. Salah satu karyanya adalah cover dari Katty Perry "Teenage Dream" yang dikombinasikan dengan cover Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are" (video di atas) ditonton lebih dari dua juta kali hanya dalam satu bulan. Tujuan utama Mike adalah untuk membuat orang-orang tersenyum dan menunjukkan keragamannya sebagai musisi. nah itu! itu yang bagus 'membuat orang tersenyum'. 

keren banget to?? penasaran ndaaak tuh sama wajahnyaaa?? hehe .. kasih tau ndak yaaa? 
 don't worry teman.. ini dia si Mike Tompkins ! jererereeeeeng :) 

nah.. gimana? tidak kecewa kan melihat wajahnya?? 
okee.. terimakasih pembaca setia :) semoga bermanfaat..
tunggu list lagunya dia di next posting :)

California Gurls

Pagiii cemaaan. :)
udah dengerin lagu - lagu sabrina belum tuuuh??
so kalo udah , what do you think about her voice??? really  fantastic right?

ini yaa.. cerita kami tentang California gurls . .
buseet .. pertama kali dengerinnya,.. iiiiih.. unyuuu banget seeh??! 
si mbak sabrina nih kalo nyanyiin lagu beaat banget jadi kemayu, pelaaan banget kayak orang jogja.. haha
jadi ndak keliatan nakalnya si ' california gurls ' 
asik deh pokoknya - love it -.

ini yaaa. aku masukin videonya, supaya kalian bisa denger + ngliatin wajah manis mbak sabrina ini.. 
selamat meninkmati cemaaan.. tunggu share video kita selanjutnya yaah :) 

Download Album Sabrina Acoustic

siang teman-teman musik Gue!!
pasti kabar nya tetap sehat wal afiat kaaan??
nah hari ini kita akan munculin nih alamat link untuk mendownload yang namanya album dari si Sabrina Acoustic yang cantik dan berbakat hehehe
langsung aja kali ya dari pada lama ekekekek

Album-album dari Sabrina Acoustic

siang teman-teman musik gue!
apa kabarnya nih?
pasti baik-baik aja kaan?
nah, kali ini kita akan bahas album dari Sabrina Acoustic nih..
hmm,, di post sebelumnya kan uda di sebutin ada 3 album...
dan sekarang apa aja nama dan lagu-lagu yang ada di dalam nya yaaa?
penasaran kan? check this post teman-teman musik Gue!